Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: December 1999:
[aclug-L] Re: mail apps for linux

[aclug-L] Re: mail apps for linux

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To: aclug <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: mail apps for linux
From: Carl D Cravens <raven@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 09:28:59 -0600 (CST)
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> other apps that support reading stuff like this (it works in pine, but
> i always have to browse to each diff folder to make sure i've read
> everything...

One of Pine's few shortcomings that I really dislike... tab only visits
incoming folders with *new* messages. 

The attached is beta and until now, unreleased.  It looks at environment
variables and .pinerc to find the location of the mailbox and pine
incoming folders.  It then lists the number of messages in each folder
(including the postponed-msgs folder, if it exists) and flags any folder
with new messages.  It will also take a directory name on the command line
and list the contents of folders found in that directory.

Note that this works with folders set up specifically as *incoming*
folders in pine.  (Unless specifying a folder on the command line.)

       inbox:  5  
      rpgnet:  0  
    ravenpub:  2 !
        junk:  0  
     bugtraq:  2 !
       aclug:  4 !
       taogm:  0  
world-design: 93  
    westwind:  0  
 worldmaking:  0  
  listowners:  0  
       gmast:  0  
       fires:  0  
       fudge: 10  
    roadkill:  0  
        ebay:  6  
       admin:  0  
      sysadm:  0  

Carl D Cravens (raven@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Talk is cheap because supply inevitably exceeds demand.

-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: cm

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# cm - count mail folders
# started: 9/12/99
# option precedence:
# command line -> environment variables -> .pinerc -> defaults

use strict;

my( $home, $folder_dir, %pinerc, $pinercfile, $mail, $length, $new_flag,
    @folder_names, @tmp_folders, %folders, $new_tmp, $count, $folder,
    $pair, $folder_name, $maildir, $postponed, $junk );

$home = $ENV{'HOME'};
$pinercfile = "$home/.pinerc";
$mail = $ENV{'MAIL'};

if ( $#ARGV > -1 ) {                    # is there a command line option?
    $mail = "";
    $folder_dir = $ARGV[0];

} elsif ( $ENV{'MAILDIR'} ) {           # is there an env variable?
    $folder_dir = $ENV{'MAILDIR'};

} elsif ( -f $pinercfile ) {            # is there a .pinerc?
    # parse .pinerc for incoming-folders, etc.
    %pinerc = read_pinerc( $pinercfile );
    $folder_dir = ""; # we don't want to search this

    # find default folder collection... first in 'folder-collections'
    if ( @{$pinerc{'folder-collections'}}[0] eq "" ) {
        $maildir = "${home}/mail";
    } else {
        ( $junk, $maildir ) =
            split( / /, @{$pinerc{'folder-collections'}}[0] );
        # trim the junk... mail/[]
        $maildir =~ s#/\[]$##;
        # expand tilde
        $maildir =~ s/^~/$home/;
        # expand partial path name
        if ( $maildir !~ m#^/# ) {
            $maildir = "$home/$maildir";

    # find postponed folder
    # default: postponed-msgs in default folder collection
    if ( @{$pinerc{'postponed-folder'}}[0] eq "" ) {
        $postponed = "${maildir}/postponed-msgs";
    } else {
        ( $junk, $postponed )
            = split( / /, @{$pinerc{'postponed-folder'}}[0] );

} else {                                # use the defaults
    $folder_dir = "$home/mail";

# we have to get the folder names here to get the length to format
# the output of the inbox line
if ( $folder_dir && -d $folder_dir) {    # if no dir is specified, skip it
    opendir( FOLD_DIR, "$folder_dir" ) || die( "Can't open directory 
$folder_dir, $!\n" );
    @tmp_folders = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$folder_dir/$_" } readdir( FOLD_DIR );
    closedir( FOLD_DIR );

    @tmp_folders = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } ( @tmp_folders );

    $length = length( $tmp_folders[0] );

    @folder_names = sort( @tmp_folders );

    # dupe folder names, since pine inboxes have nicknames
    foreach $folder ( @tmp_folders ) {
        $folders{$folder} = "$folder_dir/$folder";
} elsif ( %pinerc ) {
    if ( @{$pinerc{'incoming-folders'}} ) {
        foreach $pair ( @{$pinerc{'incoming-folders'}} ) {
            ( $folder_name, $folder ) = split( /" /, $pair );
            $folder_name =~ tr/"//d; # delete quotes
            unshift( @folder_names, $folder_name );
            $folder =~ s/~/$home/; # expand tilde
            $folders{$folder_name} = $folder;
        if ( -f $postponed ) {
            push( @folder_names, "postponed-msgs" );
            $folders{'postponed-msgs'} = $postponed;

        @tmp_folders = sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } ( @folder_names );

        $length = length( $tmp_folders[0] );

    } else {
        # use default - !! default is ~/mail !!

} else {
    $length = 5;    # the length of "inbox"

if ( $mail && -f $mail ) {
    $new_flag = ' ';
    $new_tmp = 0;
    $count = 0;

    open( IN, "<$mail" ) || die( "Can't open $mail, $!\n" );

    while ( <IN> ){
        if ( /^From / ) {
            if ( $new_tmp == 1 ) { $new_flag = '!'; }
            $new_tmp = 1;
        if ( /^Status:\s+[OAR]+$/ ) { $new_tmp = 0; }
    close( IN );

    if ( $new_tmp == 1 ) { $new_flag = '!'; }
    elsif ( $count == 0 ) { $new_flag = ' '; }

    printf( "%${length}s: %2i %s\n", "inbox", $count, $new_flag );

if ( ! %folders ) { exit; }

foreach $folder ( @folder_names ) {
    $count = 0;
    $new_flag = ' ';
    $new_tmp = 0;

    open( IN, "<$folders{$folder}" ) || die( "Can't open $folders{$folder}, 
$!\n" );

    while ( <IN> ){
        if ( /^From / ) {
            if ( $new_tmp == 1 ) { $new_flag = '!'; }
            $new_tmp = 1;
        if ( /^Status:\s+[OAR]+$/ ) { $new_tmp = 0; }
    if ( $new_tmp == 1 ) { $new_flag = '!'; }
    elsif ( $count == 0 ) { $new_flag = ' '; }

    printf( "%${length}s: %2i %s\n", $folder, $count, $new_flag );

close( IN );


# read_pine()
sub read_pinerc () {
    my( $rcfile, $tmp_set, @settings, $option, $line, %pinerc );
    $rcfile = $_[0];

    open( RCFILE, "<$rcfile" ) || die( "Can't open .pinerc, $!\n" );

    while ( <RCFILE> ) {
        if ( /^\s*#/ ) { # if a comment
        } elsif ( /^\s*[a-zA-Z\-]*=/ ) {
            $line = $_;
            chomp( $line );
            $line =~ /^\s*(.*)\s*$/;    # pick off the whitespace
            $line = $1;
            ( $option, $tmp_set ) = split( /\s*=\s*/, $line );
            $tmp_set =~ tr/,//d;
            @settings = ();
            push( @settings, $tmp_set );
            while ( $line =~ /.*,\s*$/ ) { # while followed by a comma
                $line = <RCFILE>;
                chomp( $line );
                $line =~ /^\s*(.*)\s*$/;    # pick off the whitespace
                $tmp_set = $1;
                $tmp_set =~ tr/,//d;
                push( @settings, $tmp_set );
            $pinerc{$option} = [ @settings ];  # hash of arrays
    close( RCFILE );
    return( %pinerc );
} # end of read_pinerc

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