Re: [aclug-L] Newbie on the loose {Dicussion}
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On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Cory T. Lamb wrote:
> 1) A /boot partition of 5M
> 2) A swap partition of [size = M of true ram]
> 3) A root partition of [remainder]
> The reasoning behind this is that I figured Linux could better allocate
> the / partition than I could and it doesn't matter how big the / partition
> is [<= 1024 cylinders] because the kernel boots from /boot. I'm just
> wondering if by not setting things up exactly, am I in danger of some sort
> of suprise?
It's better to split your partitions up cause if one partition gets hosed
you have a lesser chance of hosing the others. Also, from what I have
heard (never actually read it anywhere) the ext2fs has performance issues
on partitions 2gig or over, so aside from safety you might consider
performance as a good reason for partitioning.
I usually give each of these their own partition:
Having things on their own partition is also good when you want to
upgrade. When I went from RedHat 5 to 5.1 I did a straight installation
instead of an upgrade. I didn't lose any of my stuff though cause I just
didn't format the home partition, and used it again in the new
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