Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: August 2005:
Re: Syncing local moved mails or newly created folders to remote reposit

Re: Syncing local moved mails or newly created folders to remote reposit

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To: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Syncing local moved mails or newly created folders to remote repository fails
From: Patrick Jaeger <patrick.jaeger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 16:44:28 +0200

Hi John!

Thanks for your answer. I solved this problem by taking a close look at
my folderfilter. Correcting my mistake in there my first question is
answered now. Omitting folders named INBOX.cur, INBOX.tmp and
had been a really useless idea.

For now it seems that moving mail between folders works correctly.
> Hi Patrick,
> Unfortunately, the mailing list stripped out the patch you sent.  Can
> you please e-mail it to me directly?

I will attach it again to this mail, knowing that ecartis will rip it
again - nevertheless at least John should receive it.

>> Same goes for newly created folders - their existence in my local
>> repository does not trigger a remote creation.
> That is expected.  OfflineIMAP does not create new folders on the remote
> end.

Why so? Just curious.

And is there a way to make offlineimap do so? I'd really
be happy about this. This would give me the possibility to do some magic
mail splitting in my rather weird setup. :-)
> -- John

Thanks so far


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Patrick Jäger           IRC: on freenode
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