Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: April 2003:
[linux-help] Re: Open Office Calc help requested

[linux-help] Re: Open Office Calc help requested

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Open Office Calc help requested
From: bruce <bbales@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 20:03:01 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

On Saturday 19 April 2003 04:04 pm, you wrote:
> I hope someone on this list is using OO Calc.
> I have a simple spreadsheet that is slowly gaining in complexity and
> is moving beyond anything I know about spreadsheets (yeah, I've
> managed to dink with computers for 20 years and have avoided
> spreadsheets until now).
> I am doing work for my church where I create a new sheet within a
> work book for each service that I count a portion of the collection. 
> For each date I copy the previous date's data to a new sheet and then
> replace the donors' data.
> Quite simply, I am finding a common text string appearing in multiple
> places in the same sheet, specifically a date string, and I want some
> way so that I can edit one cell's text and have the change take
> effect in a number of other cells.  However, I'm finding the OO help
> system to lack (or I lack the necessary skills to know what they're
> talking about) a good HOWTO type of tutorial for many of these
> topics.

If I understand the problem, you have, for example: "3/28/03" in cell 
c12, d14, and e5 and you want to change all to "4/4/03." 
Put the "3/28/03" in c12  and put "=c12" in d14 and e5.  Then when you 
change c12, d14 and e5 will be changed automatically.  You only have to 
change the one place.

OO calc seems to be lacking some of the features of excel and gnumeric, 
but it does the above correctly.  You might look at gnumeric, which is 
what I use for golf scores, bank balance and auto mileage.
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