Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: April 2003:
[linux-help] Re: Open Office Calc help requested

[linux-help] Re: Open Office Calc help requested

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Open Office Calc help requested
From: ironrose <ironrose@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 19:59:01 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

You can have more than one worksheet in the file.  If the church is 
keeping track of the donations by month, then group the worksheets of 
April in one file.  I usually name the files 2003_Jan and 2003_Feb to 
keep all the files together for the same year.  As far as dates go, I 
usually format the cell for date and how I want or need the date 

I can't get OO Calc to work since I installed Star Office.  Could you 
send me an example of the spreadsheet or the template that you are 
working with while I get Open Office repaired.  ~Anne

Nate Bargmann wrote:

>I hope someone on this list is using OO Calc.
>I have a simple spreadsheet that is slowly gaining in complexity and is
>moving beyond anything I know about spreadsheets (yeah, I've managed to
>dink with computers for 20 years and have avoided spreadsheets until
>I am doing work for my church where I create a new sheet within a work
>book for each service that I count a portion of the collection.  For
>each date I copy the previous date's data to a new sheet and then
>replace the donors' data.
>Quite simply, I am finding a common text string appearing in multiple
>places in the same sheet, specifically a date string, and I want some
>way so that I can edit one cell's text and have the change take effect 
>in a number of other cells.  However, I'm finding the OO help system to
>lack (or I lack the necessary skills to know what they're talking about)
>a good HOWTO type of tutorial for many of these topics.
>Also, as I tried to learn about the macro language I was quickly
>overwhelmed.  C, I can grok, this stuff dove off into custom
>applications when all I want to do is some simple automation.
>- Nate >>

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