Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: October 2002:
[linux-help] SBC DSL promo

[linux-help] SBC DSL promo

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] SBC DSL promo
From: marcbachman@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 15:22:54 GMT
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

I am considering moving to DSL and am seeking some guidance on what to do 
myself as far as installation, and what to let SBC do. They say I can't have 
a static IP unless I let them install it and its obvious they want to 
install their cards on any machine that I hook up. Since I think I want to 
use a gateway/firewall, I think I shouldn't have more than one direct 
hookup, but the static IP is my biggest question. Has anybody had success 
with the static IP setup? If so, what did it cost to have them do it, and is 
there any real benefit to letting them do it, as in will I absolutely keep 
my static IP? I actually called them to find out but since I'm not already a 
customer they don't want to talk to me. Also, is their firewall any good? 
What does it do? How about Linux compatibility?
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