Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: March 2002:
[linux-help] Networking problems -

[linux-help] Networking problems -

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To: "linux-help@xxxxxxxxx" <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [linux-help] Networking problems -
From: Bob Goodwin <bgoodwi3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:30:45 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

I have two computers tied together via a LinkSys 5-port switch, one
running RH-7.0 and ipchains, the other RH-7.2 with iptables. The
configuration looks good and it seems it ought to work but I can't
even get either one to ping itself, [RH-7.2 box1] and [RH-7.0 box2].

Both will ping localhost but not themselves on
192.168.1.x or between boxes.

Can this be due to blocking by the firewall?  And if so how do I
fix it? I've been reading man pages etc but things are still not
clear to me. I understand that they divert or pass packets but how
this is controlled by the user evades me.


Bob Goodwin   Durant, Florida

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