[linux-help] dhcp client question
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Recently, I've moved from Wichita to Hesston and every night around 6pm my
internet connection dies... all the lights on my cablemodem (BestData)
are the way they should be, but I can't get past my cable modem... I
e-mailed RR's tech support which hasn't been a whole lot of help yet
(however, I am runnning FreeBSD, so I wasn't expecting a lot)... they
think it has something to do w/ my dhcp client (dhclient) and the lenght
of the IP lease... i looked at my /var/db/dhclient.leases and this is the
info it has for my latest lease:
interface "dc0";
fixed-address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;
option subnet-mask;
option routers;
option ien116-name-servers,,;
option domain-name-servers,,;
option domain-name "KSCABLE.com";
option broadcast-address;
option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
option dhcp-message-type 5;
option dhcp-server-identifier;
renew 6 2001/8/4 13:59:12;
rebind 6 2001/8/4 22:59:12;
expire 0 2001/8/5 01:59:12;
anyone out there run FreeBSD with a similar problem? It worked fine in
Slackware and FreeBSD when I was in Wichita, but after moving this keeps
happening... and to bring the connection back up, i unplug the modem for
a few seconds (usually about 10) and plug it back in... and as soon as
it's re-established the connection, I can ping again... starting and
stopping dhclient doesn't seem to produce anything except setting my IP
address to which obviously won't work...
Do I need to change how long it waits before obtaining a new lease or
something else w/ dhclient? my dhclient.conf file is empty now...
<<< lloydix.2y.net FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE #0: Thu Jul 5 06:16:31 CDT 2001
glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LLOYDIX >>>
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