Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: September 2000:
[linux-help] Re: XCDROAST

[linux-help] Re: XCDROAST

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To: <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [linux-help] Re: XCDROAST
From: "Jim Vetor" <jvetor1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 22:51:01 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Be very careful using this program. It is very easy to wipe out your Windows
installation if you are running dual boot. I'm not sure how dangeous it is
to linux if you aren't running dual  boot. You have to be careful setting up
where your data will be saved or something like that. I lost my complete
windows and linux setup and had to do complete new installation on both. Do
some backing up before you start playing with it. Like Dale said it works
best in root and that is dangerous any time. Good luck. I never did get it
to work. I Still wish the club would devote a meeting to teaching it. Might
take more then that.

----- Original Message -----
From: Cavgalar, Murat A (Alex) <cavgalar@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 12:58 PM
Subject: [linux-help] XCDROAST

> Is anybody out there familiar with a cd burning software for Linux
> called XCDROAST,? I installed this stuff yesterday and could not get it to
> work. The person who actually developed this software sent  me an e-mail
> regarding my problem with it but I have no clue what he is saying. If
> somebody can tell me what the e-mail below is all about and what the
> solution is.
> Thanks.
> Here is the text from that e-mail.
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 09:31:52AM -0400, Cavgalar, Murat A (Alex) wrote:
> > Hello Thomas,
> >
> > About ten days ago, I sent you an e-mail and ask for your help regarding
> > xcdroast. Your e-mail response helped me out a lot. Therefore, I
> > successfully loaded xcdroast into my Redhat 6.2. Although, it is very
> clear,
> > I do believe I am doing something wrong on the set up because I just
> cannot
> > get the audio or the data cds to burn at all. I do believe when I set
> CD
> > setup, HD set up, MISC., and Defaults, I did something wrong. Otherwise
> > should have worked. I noticed that whenever I load the original cd into
> the
> > reader and hit the Copy Audio cd or Copy Data-cd, it just sits there.
> > Especially, on the audio cd I cannot select the tracks to read/Write at
> all.
> > ( the screen I see on the manual you have on your web site never shows
> on
> > my screen)
> Looks like you run into some other problem.
> You are using some very old version of xcdroast - new version is
> not fuer newbies and you should NOT try to install it - but the
> new version would work fine.
> The thing you should do is a rebuild of the source-rpm on your machine.
> Get the xcdroast....src.rpm  and do a rpm --rebuild of it.
> If you fail with this, I cannot help you. In this case you should really
> try the 0.98 version which has an README which explains exactly what
> to do.
> Thomas
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