Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: January 2001:
[gopher] Re: New client announcement (#2)

[gopher] Re: New client announcement (#2)

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: New client announcement (#2)
From: David Allen <s2mdalle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 12:27:09 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 09:20:15AM -0800, emanuel at heatdeath organisation 
> To get back on topic, I tried out the Python/Tkinter client and it
> worked fine with Python 2.0 on Slackware.  


> I tried it with Python 2.0 in Windows 2000.  The main window opened, but
> it stalled with status "Updating display...".  The UI was still
> functional, though.  The following was dumped to the console window:


> E:\Documents and Settings\emanuel\Desktop\forg-0.03> 
> Starting the FORG
> Prefs are  D:\emanuel\.forg
> Previously had 8 keys
> ****Successfully loaded options from disk.
> ****Couldn't load bookmarks at D:\emanuel\.forg\bookmarks: [Errno 2] No such 
> fil
> e or directory: 'D:\\emanuel\\.forg\\bookmarks'
> Read 1024: 1024
> Read 1024: 2048
> Read 1024: 3072
> Setting type to Directory:
> Unhandled exception in thread:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "E:\Documents and Settings\emanuel\Desktop\forg-0.03\", line 
> 410,
>  in download_function
>     contentKey = self.createContentFrame(request)
>   File "E:\Documents and Settings\emanuel\Desktop\forg-0.03\", line 
> 496,
>  in createContentFrame
>     wid  = self.responseToWidget(resp, resource)
>   File "E:\Documents and Settings\emanuel\Desktop\forg-0.03\", line 
> 593,
>  in responseToWidget
>     except CacheException, exceptionstr:
> NameError: There is no variable named 'CacheException'
> Which is wierd, because as far as I can tell from the code, this should
> not happen.  Just to see if I could make it get further, I put
> CacheException = 'Error' at the top of, but then when I ran it,
> two Tk windows opened with no contents and it hung.  Now I have to get
> back to work...

This is a simple screw up it looks like...if you're familiar with
python, then I'll just tell you that it's a namespace screw up.  I did
"import Cache" at the top of that module, and I should have written
that as "except Cache.CacheException, exceptionstr:" - CacheException
doesn't exist in that module.  This is a little bit odd though, since
it shouldn't be a windows only thing.

Every time you try to load a file, it checks the cache.  If it's in
the cache, it returns the necessary information, and if it's not in
the cache, then it raises a CacheException, which in this case wasn't
caught due to a simple namespacing issue.

If you want to, you can grab a fixed version at

Thanks for pointing this out - let me know about anything you find.
David Allen
> The term you are probably looking for (or maybe not, what the heck do
> I care?) is Freudan Slip.

That's when you say one thing and mean your mother.

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