Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Removal of free city center

[Freeciv-Dev] Removal of free city center

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Removal of free city center
From: "Mike Jing" <miky40@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 02:37:35 -0400

Hi all,

I am making another attempt at removing the free worker at the city center. I started by introducing a game ruleset option: has_free_city_center, and then proceed to fix all the relevant calls to is_city_center(). However, I ran into a problem with the citizen manager in common/aicore/cm.c, where it tries to turn the only worker into a entertainer when I found a city:

2: expected:
2: combination:  workers at:
2: combination:  food=1 shield=1 trade=1
2: got:
2: print_result(result=0xbfffdd50)
2: print_result:  found_a_valid=132 disorder=0 happy=0
2: print_result: -...-
2: print_result: .....
2: print_result: ..c..
2: print_result: .....
2: print_result: -...-
2: print_result:  people: W/E/S/T 0/1/0/0
2: print_result:        Food production=0 surplus=-2
2: print_result:      Shield production=0 surplus=0
2: print_result:       Trade production=0 surplus=0
2: print_result:        Gold production=0 surplus=0
2: print_result:      Luxury production=2 surplus=2
2: print_result:     Science production=0 surplus=0
civserver: cm.c:1382: optimize_final: Assertion `0' failed.

I must admit I am a bit lost. Could someone who is more familiar with cm.c please tell me why it is trying to do this? A patch of my changes against current CVS is attached.

Please cc me since I no longer subscribe to the list.  Thanks in advance.

Mike Jing

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Attachment: no_free_city_center.diff
Description: Binary data

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