[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Numbered tile markers
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On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 07:12:39PM +0200, Teemu Kurppa wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Raimar Falke wrote:
> > > There are some problems with Xserver and GTK key events to catch shift+key
> > > events. I'll discuss these in another message. So, if shift+<some number>
> > > doesn't work, try keypad numbers instead.
> >
> > What about using F1-F12 instead?
> The basic problem is still there: people may have modified keymaps that
> produce some other key events than F12 when shift+F12 is pressed. We can
> use F1-F12, if people prefer them over number keys. I usually use a lot
> CTRL+F? for other purposes, that's why I chose plain number keys.
> > > Marker data is persistent, if server has "attributes" capability
> > > (1.12.1-devel). So, if you disconnect and reconnect, markers are
> > > restored.
> > > However, you can use them also on servers without "attributes" capability,
> > > but then marker data is lost, if you disconnect.
> > >
> > > Once small technical problems are solved, I'll send this to patch tracking
> > > system.
> >
> > IMHO it should be easy to convert it to use a single attibute.
> I was about to do that, but then I noticed that it's not that easy to just
> dump whole list, because it's linked structure, not continuous memory
> block...
> Look at my initial solution. Is it okay ?
Smaller problems (besides the attribute stuff and the keymap problem):
- some functions in markers.c should be static
- change
+ struct tile_marker *pmarker;
+ if( (pmarker = find_marker_at(x,y)) ) {
+ struct tile_marker *pmarker = find_marker_at(x,y);
+ if(pmarker) {
- maybe action should be called toggle?
- can't some the functions be folded together? There are three
add_marker methods.
- "struct tile_marker" and "extern struct tile_marker_list markers"
doesn't have to be published
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