Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Development Strategies [Was Documentation, Usability a

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Development Strategies [Was Documentation, Usability a

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To: gregor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Gregor Zeitlinger <zeitling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, freeciv development list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Development Strategies [Was Documentation, Usability and Development]
From: Andrew Sutton <ansutton@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 18:53:18 -0500

On Sunday 02 December 2001 06:47 pm, Gregor Zeitlinger wrote:
> > now that is interesting... i like that idea alot. question: does that
> > build into source code or is it somehow interpretted run-time?
> run-time, because those are configuration files. It will probably take
> some time during startup, but that was the whole point about it or not?
> libraries would be modular as well, but then they wouldn't be real
> configuration files but libraries.

so really, using the simken stuff, we eliminate the concept of modules in 
exchange configuration files. each configuration file actually defines code 
inside the module. intersting. that's a pretty good idea. lets roll with it. 
c++ and simken sounds good to me :)

> > the only problem i'm seeing is that the unit to capability mapping is a
> > many to many relationship (it always has been). assigning each unit to
> > reference

its a lower level design issue of the global architecture. i'm assuming that 
we're going to have to uniquely identify certain concepts and some of those 
concepts are named. this is just a design issue that allows us to skip the 
static registration of concepts at build time and lets us do it at run time, 
while giving appearance that its done at build time. it's just something 
graceful to do. this does of course mean that modules WILL have to identify 
named allocation for the identifier values. hopefully simken will allow us to 
do that.


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