Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Submit patch again?

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Submit patch again?

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To: Bert Buchholz <bertbuchholz@xxxxxx>, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Submit patch again?
From: Thue <thue@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:42:27 +0200

On Tuesday 14 August 2001 22:17, Bert Buchholz wrote:
> Hi,
> some days ago, shortly before the 1.12.0 release, ich submitted a
> watchtower-patch. Apparently, noone took notice. So, what am I
> supposed to do about this, what does that mean? Does it mean, that
> noone could make use of it, or did noone try to apply it? I had
> hoped, if for some reason, the patch didn't work, I would get
> feedback or some kind of response. Or did this happen because the
> immanent release of 1.12.0? I'm a bit unsure about of what to make of
> it.
> Meanwhile, i suppose, the patch is too old to be applied against
> current cvs. So, should I resend it (updated againt cvs) and hope
> some takes a look at it now? Please give me a few pointers, because
> as I stated in my first mail, I'm new to this team/cvs way of
> development, and maybe there's just something I didn't get quite
> right or... hell, what do I know? ;-)
> Bert

Now you ask...

I looked shortly at it, but was just too lazy to say so on the list. :P

I ignored it because:
-starting a conversation would just make me lead you on making a patch 
I liked, and it would then be more efficient for me to just make the 
patch myself. The area of the code you would modify is rather involved, 
but I have made a good deal of it in the first place and understand it 
pretty well. (Fx there are some FoW bugs in your patch)
-There were enough patches on freeciv-dev that should be applied first.

I would like watchtowers to work by always giving vision around them, 
regardless if there is a unit on them.

Also, as I concentrated on the 1.12.0 release I didn't want to get 
involved in issues not relevant for 1.12.0.

It is not that all patches get rejected like this, but this was the 
reason I ignored this one.
Patches that (are not so complicated)/(don't touch so much structure) 
and bugfixes have a better chance of making it in.


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