Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Preparations for other AIs and humans

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Preparations for other AIs and humans

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Preparations for other AIs and humans
From: Jesdyn Flamestrike <jesdynf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 02:28:36 -0600

On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 08:52:04AM +0100, Raimar Falke wrote:

> But you need some kind of history. If for example three settlers got
> killed while working at an important square the ai shoudl detect this
> and should not send the 4th settler to this square.

You're trying to make it learn, but that sounds either unworkably complex or
too easy to manipulate. I mean, if I know what

The AI should stick by its guns -- if it thinks somewhere is a good place to
settle, then by-God settle there. Of course, it should re-evaluate the
situation each time... if there's a large army there, it should decide it
doesn't want to settle. Fortify, maybe...

A discrete plan may be too much to hope for. Instead, simply design so that
the AI's next step flows from what it's done. The AI should, with every new
settler, figure out what it wants to do with it. This will at worst make it
mechanistic; at best, tenacious and determined.

[This does keep the AI from using Insta-Wonders. The individual advisor
would keep track of that... and considering the vastly different needs of
each advisor, maybe you're better of HAVING five or six different state
files, if you really want to save state at all.]

Asher Densmore-Lynn <jesdynf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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