Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Suggestions - scrolling improvements.

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Suggestions - scrolling improvements.

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx (Freeciv developers)
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Suggestions - scrolling improvements.
From: Gaute B Strokkenes <gs234@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 04 Jan 2001 09:51:27 +0100

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, rp@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 05:08:12AM +0100, Gaute B Strokkenes wrote:
>> In Civ 2, whenever you use a Settler / Engineer to build a road or
>> a Railroad, the work is done immediately and paid for with the
>> unit's movement points.  If the work is complete, then the road or
>> the railroad appears immediately.  In Freeciv, this is done by
>> setting a flag which is checked and acted upon in the server during
>> the end of turn updated (at least if I read the sources correctly.)
> OK, so as I understand it, movement and working 'points' are shared
> in Civ II.  Does this also mean that a Settler may finish its work
> halfway a turn and still have a chance to move?

Yes.  However, IIRTSC, the two are not entirely orthogonal in Freeciv,
either.  If a settler does not have at least one MP left at the end of
the turn, the update_activity stuff is simply skipped.  Since a
settler has only one MP, the effect is that you can not move a settler
(except by rail) and `construct' things at the same time.  With
Engineers, it's a different story.

Another difference is that tile improvments appear as soon as you've
allocated enough MP to the task, rather than at the end of turn.  This
can make a difference with both settlers and engineers.

> I'm happy with the way it works in Freeciv, but if I understand the
> Civ II way correctly it seems a good idea to have it as an option,
> as you suggested.

Big Gaute                     
..Hmmm...This thing is really VIBRATING! ..It's getting WARM, too!

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