Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Isometric view

[Freeciv-Dev] Isometric view

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Isometric view
From: Thue <thue@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 16:51:57 +0100

I will just mention that I have been playing a bit with isometric view; it is 
by no means finished, but I can't help showing of what I have got :).
Also, the native windows client seem to be moving forward; what better way to 
stop it than changing the basic drawing algoritms. (yes, that was a joke)

It uses tilesets largely compatible with civ 2. (main change: I hade all the 
background colors transparent.)
The tileset shown in the screenshots below is HiRes, contributed under the 
GPL by Tim Smith.

I only plan to implement it in the gtk client, as I believe the intersection 
between XAW users and people who like isometric view is pretty small :).

Some screenshots:
(the apolyton forum was practical since lots of people there have messed with 
the isometric graphics. And I get to recruit civ2 users.)

Source code:

What needs to be done:
-restore overhead view functionality to gui-gtk/mapview.c. Currently the 
overhead mode is ifdef'ed, but it should be possible to make it a load-time 
option (automatically determined by an option in the loaded tiles.)
-make the city view work
-mess with flags, unit activities, city sizes etc.
-implement map grid, other map features
-implement FoW (I think this is easiest done using stripping of some sort)
-scrollbar bug because of old code; currently marked by FIXME
-graphics related to city combat (note the new explosion that came with the 
-modify freeciv to be able to use the new city styles.
-redraw bug related to unit movement. (bug place marked by FIXME)
-redraw bug related to generel tile refresh. (bug place marked by FIXME)

The hardest ones are FoW and finding a way to place the flags and activity 
letters. Note that the graphic files themselves should remain as close to the 
civ 2 format as possible to make it possible to draw on the civ 2 modpacks.

I'll probably not work further on this patch for some time.


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