Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] City improvement

[Freeciv-Dev] City improvement

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To: <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] City improvement
From: "Robinson" <crusoe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 22:07:57 +1000

Another worker type should be available once industrialisation has been discovered - the worker. Equivalent to a scientist, taxman or entertainer, the worker adds two production squares to the city's total. Needless to say, these production points are affected by the presence of factories, mfg plants, and power plants.
A city with a factory should be able to build two things at once (eg a dragoon and an ironclad), with production apportioned between the two as the player wishes, by percentage.
A city with a mfg plant should be able to build four things at once.
Railroads should cease to become unlimited in movement, but have a movement modifier of 10.
There should be an 'elite' level of experience that goes beyond veteran. It should have a chance of occurring every time the unit kills ten other units. It gives another 50% offense/defense bonus (effectively doubling the base stats).
To go with this, you should be able to upgrade units that are in cities. Simply drag the unit into a production box, and it brings up a selection of available units that can be built. Units can't be upgraded across types (ie a tank cannot become a plane).
A city should be allowed to have as many trading links as it has units of population.
Within a civilisation, agricultural support from one city to another should be quick and easy. For every unit of food that the mother city receives from the daughter city, the daughter city should raise an extra 1g in taxes (deducted from the mother city's taxes).
Agricultural support between civilisations should be possible in the diplomacy screen. Theoretically, it should be possible to create a trading city (like Singapore), which has a population of 30 (supported by agricultural links) and 30 trade routes (which pay for the agriculture... and then some).
If it is possible for me to get onto this mailing list, please email me at warpaint@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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