Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] tolerance, political-correctness, and fascism (was Re: New

[Freeciv-Dev] tolerance, political-correctness, and fascism (was Re: New

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx, Mathias.Hasselmann@xxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] tolerance, political-correctness, and fascism (was Re: New Nazi cityset attached...)
From: Reed Meyer <rdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 21:52:25 -0400 (EDT)

Mathias Hasselmann wrote:

>As long as nazism is tolerated in the Freeciv community and
>tolerance is confused with insensibleness, I am dissociating
>from Freeciv project. It is very disappointing that exposing
>of arguments lead to heavy provocation instead of consideration.

Your use of the word "tolerance" belies the "morally right" position
claimed by you and others that have been so antagonistic to the patch
submitted by Juan Cortes and myself.
     In fact, by BEING intolerant of my patch and, rather than presenting
reasoned, convincing arguments against it, simply dismissing it out of hand,
you are acting precisely like the Nazis whose inclusion into a game you
are so set against.
     I wish you would try to understand this point.
     I haven't even been arguing lately for the inclusion of the Nazi
"nation" into the freeciv distribution.  However, I have been arguing
against being treated unfairly in that regard (i.e., why should the Nazi
nation be denied, but other nations with a less-than-stellar history like
the Chinese, the Boers, and now probably also the CSA, be welcomed?).
     I have been asking for the inclusion of the Fascism GOVERNMENT TYPE
and associated units, and the Wonder called "Blitzkrieg", but these are
general in nature and are intended to emulate historical entities which
have VERY LITTLE TO DO with Nazi Germany specifically.  It is true that I
included a Nazi nation in the first posting of the "fascism patch", but
I divorced it from later postings of subsets of the patch dealing only
with the government type, Blitzkrieg, etc.

---Reed Meyer

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