Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Help on fixing science wonders

[Freeciv-Dev] Help on fixing science wonders

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To: Freeciv-dev <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Help on fixing science wonders
From: Daniel Zinsli <s830+priv@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03 Jul 2000 01:10:57 +0200

I'm trying to fix the aforementioned science wonders problem.
This is a bug that makes the science wonders much less valuable than in
payciv because having more than one science wonder in a city just gives
a flat raise in bulbs produced.

I first thought of having a function calculate_city_science in
citytools, to be used in add_buildings_effect.

However, I see that the pcity->science_bonus is used in a number of
ways, amoung others in the ai code (which i'm *not* touching :)

Does anyone have a suggestion of a elegant solution for this problem, or
an explanation of how the calculated bonus value is used?
Daniel Zinsli
University of Bergen, Norway
Finger s830@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for more info

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