Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Nations policy version 2

[Freeciv-Dev] Nations policy version 2

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Nations policy version 2
From: Tomasz Wegrzanowski <maniek@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 01:17:33 +0100

I hope this is better.
Comments are always apreciated.


1)  There are 3 nationsets : ancient, medieval and modern.

2)  Ancient set represents all nations than existed before 500 AD.

3)  Medieval set reprezents all nations than existed between 501 AD and 1700 AD.

3)  Modern set represents all nations than existed in year 1701 AD or later.

4)  Nothing have to be unique across nationsets. City that is in one
    nation in one epoch doesn't have to be in the same nation in
    different epoch.

5)  Every nation has at least 2 leaders. They MAY come from
    different epoch, but primary leader MUST represent correct epoch.

6)  Every nation has unique and easyly distinguishable flag.
    If possible the same as state that is associated with the nation.

7)  Every nations is called after historical name correct
    for the epoch. For ancients, this should be rather tribe name
    than state name.

8)  City names should be unique in epoch and there SHOULD be
    enough cities to not need to use global nameset early.
    No upper bound for city amount is set.

9)  Global cityset SHOULD contain all cities from different epoch that
    are not in current.

10) City names MAY NOT be doubled by translation in the same epoch.
    City name MAY occur in different language in different epoch.

--- END ---

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