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[Freeciv-Dev] [patch] occupychance

[Freeciv-Dev] [patch] occupychance

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] [patch] occupychance
From: Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 16:36:16 -0500

Here's a new server option to play with.  It's only "interesting" now,
and not "really cool" yet, but it's a first step toward eventually
implementing parts of Civ:CTP's new features.

In CTP, when you attack and win, your units move into the square
that the defender was in.  This new server option, which I'm calling
"occupychance", allows you to set up the game so that this occurs
in Freeciv.

The reason it's called "occupychance" is because I've also permitted you
to set the option so that you only move into the target square *some* of
the time.  (This may or may not be desirable for everyone, but *someone*
might like it, and it was really easy to implement.... :-) )

Leave it at the default setting (0) and there's no change from previous
versions of Freeciv (and Civ1/Civ2).  Set it to 100 and your attacking
units will always move into the target square if they win and there's
nobody else left in the square.[1]  Set to a value in between, and
that will be interpreted as the percent chance of moving into the
target square.

I've tested it a bit, and it seems to be working.  It's entirely
server-side, so there's no change to the protocol, and the client doesn't
even have to know about the option.  I don't know how well the AI will
deal with it (it will probably make the AI weaker, since it doesn't know
about this option at all, whereas a human can adapt).

[1] Note that in CTP, because the combat is group-based instead of
    unit-based, the target square will always be empty if the attacker
    wins.  I had to add this check for Freeciv, which still uses
    unit-based combat, and will probably continue to offer unit-based
    combat options forever even if/when group-based combat gets
    implemented.  (Don't hold your breath....)

Patch vs. the December 10th CVS snapshot.

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