Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] map, scenario questions/suggestions

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] map, scenario questions/suggestions

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To: Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] map, scenario questions/suggestions
From: Nicolas Brunel <brunel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 16:32:35 +0000 (GMT)

> Yes, but currently maps, scenarios and savedgames are the same in
> Freeciv .. My first task is to make them destinct .. so we can have real
> maps and real scenarios + ofcourse real savedgames ;) not to forget
> hehe.

I don't know if it is good to called them differently. A map is a part
of a saved game. Internally, you are rigth. It is a very good idea to be
abble to include a map instead of generating it. I see it more at a way
to handle save game and how a game is started. For exemple, I'd like to be
abble to load a mars.sav map. If the server options are lacking in this
file, I'd like FreeCiv to fetch classic_server.ruleset. Here, we have 
2 formats of files .sav and .ruleset. It seems to me logical to include
rulesets in saved game (in the long run).

To sum up :

  (1)general settings : server options give general rules of the world
                        ( server.ruleset ? )
                        use a map or generate it.
                        terrain.ruleset. Give more information on the map.
                        nation.ruleset ?
  (2)game specific:     goverment
     (interdependent)   technology

  (3)game extra:        condition of victory :
                           destroy a player,
                           take a continent, a town, a wonder,...
                           have a given number of people happy 
  (4)a given            list of players 
     game specific      ( saved game -> saved_game.ruleset )

    Lots of what I have written isn't implemented, from number 1 to number
4 the world becomes more and more precise. That's why I see no difference
between a saved game and ruleset. Read the Xconq doc as chapter 3 to learn
more about this. (Xconq is a game with no fixed rule)


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