Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Wishlist:Out of fuel (PR#23)

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Wishlist:Out of fuel (PR#23)

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To: FreeCiv Development <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Wishlist:Out of fuel (PR#23)
From: Martin Christensen <factotum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 11:54:25 +0200

Alexandre BERAUD wrote:
> >Another realistic element could be emergency landings, where the unit
> >suffers damage according to terrain type after which it may be returned
> >to the nearest city. This is provided, of course, that the unit is over
> >friendly terrain. How about that?
> Maybe for fighters and bombers, but not for advanced planes like
> stealth fighters and bombers which need a good landing area. Moreover,
> an emergency landing does not refuel your plane.

More technologically advanced planes can probably crash land just as
easily as older ones, though I agree they were designed for better

Stephen Hodge wrote:
> How will this affect game balance?
Ah yes, the all-important question.

> Bombers and fighters are extremely
> important now, making them less likely to run out of fuel isn't a good idea
> IMHO. I do think a warning could be in order though - perhaps when you try
> to make a move that would make it impossible for the unit to return to a
> city.

Such a warning would be a good idea in any case. But here's how I
justify my suggestion: crash landings occasionally do happen in real
life where planes are damaged but can be recovered and made operational
again. If a plane suffers severe damage during a crash landing there is
a good chance that it will be lost altogether, but in any case it will
not be in any shape for real action for at least a few game turns. For a
good balance I suggest that crash landings are only possible within a
friendly city's radius.
  This is, of course, only a suggestion. I don't think it would
unbalance the gameplay, but that's just my opinion. Go for it or ignore
it... your call, people.


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