Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 1999:
[Freeciv-Dev] Fantasy Modpack

[Freeciv-Dev] Fantasy Modpack

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To: "'freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Fantasy Modpack
From: Mark Nettle <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 22:40:08 -0400

I mentioned earlier that I was planning on making a Fantasy modpack. Part
of the idea is to have a techtree with several fairly separate branches. I
was looking at the 5 colours of magic from Magic the Gathering, but I
think I'll end up with 6: Earth Air Fire Water Holy Unholy. There'll also
be a Mundane branch of the tree. The branches will have a little bit of
"cross-pollination" but not much. Dragons will have prereqs from both
Fire and Air. I might make the default researchspeed setting
(game.techlevel) higher than usual, so that it's harder to get all the
"techs". Pick one or two and specialize, or be a generalist and miss out
on the really powerful stuff.

I'll put something on a website somewhere once I get some concrete
unit stats, graphics, etc.

I've been browsing the source to check what I can and can't do. Here;'s
some things I 've discovered (22 May code. mostly)

* If you have two units with the PARTISAN flag, only the first works. I
was going to suggest a call to best_role_unit() rather than get_role_unit()
but that wouldn't quite match how partisans work.

* Research Lab + Library gives +100% science without University, unlike
Stock Market, which needs both Marketplace and Bank.

* Can't specify a different helpdata.txt (but ~/.freeciv etc will fix that I

I'm sure there's a few more points, but I can't recall them right now.


PS: I'm happily running OpenBSD 2.5 now.

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