Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
Re: [Re: [[Freeciv-Dev] Babarians]]

Re: [Re: [[Freeciv-Dev] Babarians]]

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To: Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx>, freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Re: [[Freeciv-Dev] Babarians]]
From: "F.Schaefer" <fransch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 15 Mar 99 20:55:36 EST


Greg Wooledge <wooledge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The normal AI player is aggressive to a fault, unless of course it's
> losing, in which case it pulls into its shell and builds thousands of
> defensive units.
> Making barbarians "aggressive" would make them just like the normal AI.

Interesting. But I thought something like aggressive _over_ the limit
of stupidity. They should not really cultivate the cities.
Just looting, selling improvements, producing randomly military units,
smashing irrigated fields, roads and mines and having a nice time. They also
could convert peaceful settlers, caravans into barbarians. Why not having a
kind of pirates, that attack boats on the sea ?

We should make a list and call it 'Barbarian Pranks', i.e. features
that those comtemporaries could perform.

> > * They should not attack Explorers, since it is higly unfair to loose
> >   the explorer in the first turns, while others explore and make money 
> This is a silly exception.
Eh, eh, it's silly but still frustrating. If you play with 5 players, there's
a relatively high propability that one gets angry and asks for restart after
10 min.

> <idea>
> For more realism, make them into a nomadic civilization -- rather than
> building cities, they should be able to "reproduce" new units periodically.
> It might be an ugly hack at the coding level, but I think it might be
> feasible in terms of game play, if done right.

I don't agree totally. If there are cities, that they looted, why should they
go outside to reproduce. On the other side I had an idea where
barbarians could also come from: from relatively unhappy cities. Two times
civil disorder => one citizens gets barbarian and leaves the city. Then the
ex-unhappies can meet and build hords. Later barbs. could
come from poor civilisations, that are jalous about the country. They relink
from their cities and walk arround in the players country. Again later (when
the warp engine is invented) they could come from outerspace, - real alien

-- Frank

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