[Freeciv-Dev] Is client/server protocol documented anywhere?
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For the hell of it, I've decided to write yet another client in Tcl/Tk
(and maybe Python/Tk later, who knows?). I was looking at the client
stuff in the gtk code and was wondering if it was documented anywhere
other than the code. Something like:
Disband units: n bytes of data where byte 0 = bla, byte 1 = bla, etc.
Also, seeing as there is a ruleset patch coming up Real Soon Now, does
that change a lot in the client? I'm currently just writing the code for
the windows and stuff and want to know if I should wait for rulesets
before implementing any functionality.
Penguin Power!
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5248/
- [Freeciv-Dev] Is client/server protocol documented anywhere?,
lduperval <=
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Is client/server protocol documented anywhere?, David Pfitzner, 1999/01/20