Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-data: August 2003:
[freeciv-data] Re: RFC future techs/units/improvements

[freeciv-data] Re: RFC future techs/units/improvements

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To: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [freeciv-data] Re: RFC future techs/units/improvements
From: Miguel Farah <miguel@xxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 20:07:41 -0400
Reply-to: freeciv-data@xxxxxxxxxxx

 Paul Zastoupil [26/08/2003 16:29] dijo/said:
>One thing I liked about playing CTP was all the future techs and
>associated improvements and units.
>While Freeciv has a few techs that might be considered "future" as well
>as a future wonder, I think it would be cool to include some more.
>I know that many multiplayer games never make it much past steam engine,
>but lots of people (in fact most of them) play singleplayer.
>So this is a request for comments on adding future stuff :)
>Please respond with ideas of future techs, units, improvements and
>wonders that could be included into Freeciv's rulsets.

Quite a while ago, I designed a "Future Modpack" incorporating loads of
new technologies. I didn't do much with it, due to lack of time (and
programming skills, and ...) and the fact that some of them were TOO

Anyway, this is the design spec I have:

                   FUTURETECH MODPACK - SPEC 0.9


HIJACKABLE UNIT: it's a unit (typically a non-military one) that can be
taken over by a military unit of an enemy. For example: a canadian fish
factory (see below) is doing its business in the sea, when a spanish
battleship [homecity: Barcelona] arrives to it. If the spanish player
issues the attack order, he/she/it is presented with two options: either
attack the unit or hijack it. If he chooses the former, attack proceeds
as usual. If he chooses the latter, the unit is hijacked: the fishing
factory now is a *spanish* unit, suffering no damage in the process (and
its homecity will be Barcelona, just like the battleship).

This kind of unit can only be hijacked if there aren't any
non-hijackable units on its square. If there's more than a hijackable
unit in the same square, they are all hijacked simultaneously.

Hijacked units can't be used in the same turn they've been hijacked. The
unit that does the hijacking uses up as many movement points as it would
have used in a regular attack.


 improvement: BUNGEE JUMPING (1 content -> 1 happy citizen in the city;
                              requires a mountain and a Mfg. Plant)
              cost: 100 upkeep: 1

 [Robotics] + [Laser]
 tech: MODERN MINING (+1 production all mined squares; +2 production all
                      mined mountains)

 [Nuclear Power] + [Combined Arms]
 tech: DEPLETED URANIUM AMMO (+1 attack to the following units: Alpine
                              Troops, Riflemen, Marines, Paratroopers,
                              Mech. Inf. and Helicoper); increases
                              pollution and/or unhappiness)

 [Power Fusion] + [Rocketry]
 tech: NEUTRON BOMBS (allows construction of neutron bombs)
 +------> unit: NEUTRON BOMB (identical to nuclear, but without the
                cost:      320     attack:    99
                defense:   0       move:      16
                firepower: 1       hitpoints: 10
                basic upk: 1S,1U   vision:    1

 [Plastics] + [Refrigeration]
 tech: FISH PROCESSING (allows construction of fishing factories)
 +------> unit: FISHING FACTORY ("farms" a 3x3 sea area and feeds it to
                                 its homecity; its extraction takes
                                 precedence over that of a city)
                cost:      400     attack:    0
                defense:   1       move:      5
                firepower: 0       hitpoints: 20
                basic upk: 1S      vision:    2
                + non-military unit
                + "hijackable"

 [Medicine] + [Labor Union]
 tech: PSYCHOANALYSIS (-2 unhappy citizens per city)
                      OBSOLETES: J.S. Bach's Cathedral

 [Plastics] + [Superconductors]
 tech: FIBERPLASTICS (+10% production in every city with a Mfg. Plant???)
 tech: NANOTECHNOLOGY (?+20% production in every city with a Mfg. Plant)
 |<---[Combined Arms]
 tech: EXOSKELETON (+1 defense to Partisans)

 [Fusion Power]
 tech: PLASMA
 tech: PLASMA WEAPONRY (allows creation of Plasma-related weapons;
 |     |                +1 attack for Alpine Troops, Riflemen, Marines,
 |     |                Paratroopers, Mech. Inf. & Helicopter; +2 attack
 |     |                for partisans)
 |     |               OBSOLETES: Barracks III, Depleted Uranium Ammo
 |     |
 |     |
 |     +-->improvement: BARRACKS IV (Veteran units bla bla; also attends
 |                                   helicopter type units)
 |                      cost: 60  upkeep: 1
 +->tech: YAMATO GUN
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> unit: YAMATO BATTLESHIP (battleship +4 attack)
 |                 cost:      160     attack:    16
 |                 defense:   12      move:      4
 |                 firepower: 2       hitpoints: 40
 |                 basic upk: 1S,1U   vision:    2
 | [Combined Arms]
 | |
 | v
 +->tech: INTEGRATED WEAPONRY (allows building Assault Tanks)
 |  |                         OBSOLETES: Armor, Howitzer
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> unit: ASSAULT TANK (new attack unit that combines the
 |                               artillery and cavalry into one)
 |                 cost:      200     attack:    15
 |                 defense:   8       move:      4
 |                 firepower: 2       hitpoints: 50
 |                 basic upk: 1S      vision:    1
 |                 AttackFast, AttackStrong, IgWall
 | [Exoskeleton]
 | |
 | v
 +->tech: SENTINELS (allows creation of sentinels and troopers: fast
    |                and deadly land units that combine the best
    |                features of the previous ones)
    |               OBSOLETES Alpine Troops, Riflemen, Marines,
    |                         Paratroopers and Mech Inf.
    +------>unit: SENTINEL (new land type unit, specialized for city
    |                       defense)
    |             cost:      120     attack:    10
    |             defense:   9       move:      3
    |             firepower: 1       hitpoints: 40
    |             basic upk: 1S      vision:    1
    |             DefendGood, FirstBuild, IgTer, IgZoc, Marine
    +------>unit: TROOPER (new land type unit, specialized for attack)
                  cost:      120     attack:    12
                  defense:   6       move:      5
                  firepower: 1       hitpoints: 40
                  basic upk: 1S      vision:    2
                  DefendOk, IgTer, IgZoc, Marine, Paratrooper

 tech: COMPUTER NETWORK (gives 1 free tech to first player that obtains
 |                       it, but must NOT be "Artificial Intelligence";
 |                       ?also increases trade? ?also increases
 |                       happiness?)
 |  |
 |  |
 |  v
 |  tech: CRYPTOGRAPHY (+1 corruption in all cities)
 |  |
 |  |<---[space flight]
 |  |
 |  v
 |  tech: SPY SATELLITES (reveals whole map + sees EVERYTHING on it;
 |  |                     other cities can be spied without needing a
 |  |                     spy (just click on them and you get the same
 |  |                     info a spy would provide)
 |  |                    OBSOLETES: Apollo Program
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> improvement: CITY CLOAK (the city and the squares it
 |  |                                 controls are immune to satellite
 |  |                                 peeping)
 |  |                     cost: 320 upkeep: 6
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> unit: FIELD CLOAKER (cloaks a 3x3 area from satellites)
 |  |              cost:      200     attack:    0
 |  |              defense:   1       move:      4
 |  |              firepower: 0       hitpoints: 40
 |  |              basic upk: 1S,1U   vision:    2
 |  |
 |  |
 |  v
 |  tech: STAR WARS (allows construction of Star Wars wonder)
 |  |
 |  |<--[Laser]
 |  |
 |  +------> wonder: STAR WARS DEFENSE (counts as an SDI defense on each
 |                                      city of the player and the
 |                                      cities of the allies)
 |                   cost: 960
 |  |
 |  |<---[Genetic engineering]
 |  |
 |  v
 |  tech: TRANSGENIC CROPS (+1 food in all farmland squares)
 |<---[Fusion Power]
 tech: ADVANCED A.I. (duplicates global science output)
 |                   OBSOLETES: Copernicus' Observatory
 |                              Isaac Newton's College
 |  |
 |  |<---[Recycling]   /* (should be Environmentalism) */
 |  |
 |  v
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> wonder: WEATHER CONTROL (global warming ceases, no matter
 |                                    what; requires a recycling center)
 |                   cost: 960
 | [Fusion Power]
 | |
 | v
 +->tech: SHIELDING (provides superior city defense)
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> improvement: CITY SHIELDS (duplicates overall city defense;
 |  |                                   ineffective against disruptors
 |  |                                   (and nothing else); requires city
 |  |                                   walls previously built)
 |  |                     cost: 400 upkeep: 5
 |  |
 |  |
 |  +------> unit: DISRUPTOR (when placed ADJACENT to a non-friendly
 |                            city, it disrupts its shields; effects
 |                            disappear if moved away or destroyed)
 |                 cost:      300     attack:    0
 |                 defense:   1       move:      4
 |                 firepower: 0       hitpoints: 20
 |                 basic upk: 2S,1U   vision:    1
 |                 + non-military
 | [Fusion Power]
 | |
 | v
 +->tech: ANTIGRAVITY (+3 move points for all missiles)
 |  |
 |  |<---[Plasma Weaponry]
 |  |
 |  +->tech: EMV (allows construction of Skimmers, Starfuries and
 |     |          Thunderbolts)
 |     |         OBSOLETES: Helicopter, Stealth Fighter, Stealth Bomber
 |     |
 |     |
 |     +------> unit: SKIMMER (Heli type unit, more compact and stronger)
 |     |              cost:      150     attack:    14
 |     |              defense:   8       move:      6
 |     |              firepower: 2       hitpoints: 30
 |     |              basic upk: 1S,1U   vision:    3
 |     |
 |     |
 |     +------> unit: STARFURY (fighter unit, more compact and stronger)
 |     |              cost:      120     attack:    10
 |     |              defense:   7       move:      18
 |     |              firepower: 2       hitpoints: 30
 |     |              basic upk: 1S      vision:    4
 |     |
 |     |
 |     +------> unit: THUNDERBOLT (bomber unit, more compact and stronger)
 |                    cost:      240     attack:    20
 |                    defense:   8       move:      10
 |                    firepower: 2       hitpoints: 30
 |                    basic upk: 1S,1U   vision:    4
 | [Fusion Power]
 | |
 | v
 +->tech: FARCASTING (allows teletransportation)
    |     Almost any unit can be teletransported from ANY two squares
    |     having a farcaster, without using up movement points.
    |     Terms of use:
    |      - farcaster use is unlimited (unlike, say, airlifting, that
    |        handles one unit per turn).
    |      - any farcaster can be used as start and any as destination,
    |        even those belonging to enemy nations. For example, the
    |        following move is perfectly legal: a spanish armor enters
    |        by a german [enemy] farcaster and exits by a canadian [also
    |        enemy] farcaster.
    |      - if a unit farcasts into a square containing a non-friendly
    |        unit of any kind (even a lowly caravan), it's instantly
    |        destroyed.
    |      - if a unit farcasts succesfully into a square occupied by an
    |        enemy farcaster, it CAN hijack it immediately.
    |      - These units can NOT move by farcasters:
    |        + field farcaster
    |        + farcaster carrier.
    |      - Other than the farcaster carrier, all sea units CAN be
    |        farcasted.
    |      - No two field farcasters can be in the same square in any
    |        situation.
    |      - A field farcaster can be used even if it's put in "sentry
    |        mode".
    |      - If a military unit farcasts into an enemy city that
    |        contains no units, this city is conquered immediately (just
    |        as it would happen in the "normal" way).
    |      - PROGRAMMERS BEWARE: a city can have BOTH a farcaster and a
    |        field farcaster on it, and farcasting must continue to
    |        function properly.
    |     Farcaster locations should be highlighted (in violet) in
    |     the world map (even if they are in places that are unknown by
    |     the player).
    +------> improvement: FARCASTER
    |                     cost: 800 upkeep: 0
    +------> unit: FIELD FARCASTER
    |        cost:      960     attack:    0
    |        defense:   0       move:      3
    |        firepower: 0       hitpoints: 100
    |        basic upk: 2S      vision:    1
    |        + air unit
    |        + non-military unit
    |        + "hijackable"
    |        + non-farcastable
    |        + non-airliftable
    +------> unit: FARCASTER CARRIER (a special kind of carrier that can
                                      carry one field farcaster and
                                      nothing else)
             cost:      300     attack:    0
             defense:   9       move:      8
             firepower: 0       hitpoints: 100
             basic upk: 2S      vision:    2
             + sea unit
             + non-military unit
             + "hijackable"
             + non-farcastable
             + non-airliftable



MIGUEL FARAH              //   NOmigSPuelAM@xxxxx
#include <disclaimer.h>   //
"- What do you think of the world situation?
 - I couldn't think of a better place for it!"
- B.C.

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