Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-ai: May 2003:
[freeciv-ai] Re: patch: don't reevaluate ai govt so often

[freeciv-ai] Re: patch: don't reevaluate ai govt so often

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To: "Per I. Mathisen" <per@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Freeciv AI development <freeciv-ai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [freeciv-ai] Re: patch: don't reevaluate ai govt so often
From: Gregory Berkolaiko <Gregory.Berkolaiko@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 16:10:16 +0100 (BST)

On Thu, 15 May 2003, Per I. Mathisen wrote:

> New patch attached. I removed the ANALYSE code, since I just posted code
> that is more useful, and I did add Greg's city list size idea, but capped
> it at 5-20 turns.

Can we also implement Greg's second idea: instead of 
+  }
+  ai->govt_reeval = (ai->govt_reeval + 1) % ai->govt_reeval_turns;


+    ai->govt_reeval = CLIP(5, city_list_size(&pplayer->cities), 20);
+  }
+  ai->govt_reeval-- ;

and blast ai->govt_reeval_turns out of existence.  Funnily, no other 
changes are required.

Also, is your creative indentation an attempt to reduce the patch size?  
Don't be so modest please :)


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