Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: July 2001:
[aclug-L] Re: Linux printing

[aclug-L] Re: Linux printing

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: Linux printing
From: "James O. Harms" <joharms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 09:43:47 +0000
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

Bruce Bales wrote:
> About twenty years ago, I was using a CP/M machine with 64K of memory.  I
> bought a cheap printer and got it to work.  I wrote the printer driver in
> forth.  I could print out a text page.
> If anyone has any idea that Linux may someday be on lots of desktops, someone
> is going to have to make it possible to print out a page of text.  In three
> hours tonight, I managed to print out a full-color RedHat test page, eleven
> lines each one starting where the previous line ended, and copied a data file
> into /usr/bin/lpr (making lpr not too useful from now on).
> The HOWTO is worthless (or worse), Wordperfect only has one menu after another
> asking for undecipherable things (where are the fonts) and what is the
> destination (a piece of paper, for goodness sakes), the man pages aren't any
> help, as usual.
> I's like to use Linux for something more than a test bed for configuring
> Linux.  May never happen.
> discouraged again,
> bruce
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At this point in time I'm using a postsript printer (which simplifies
things a bit), but long ago I quit messing with the "standard" Linux
printer setup.  Now I use CUPS to set up the printer, and mpage (not lpr)
to tell it what to do.  I started using mpage because I wanted double-sided
printing, and have since found that with CUPS, mpage, and the proper
incantation (example > mpage -P -o -2 -j 1%2), you can do almost anything.


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