Re: [aclug-L] Very confused computer
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>> So, that's the story of how my Linux box became Southwind. Now,
>> the question is, how do I once again become "localhost"? I know
>> that if I were to reinstall Linux it would fix it. However, I
>> would rather not do that. I am thinking that learning how to
>> change the name of your computer might be a good lesson, and I
>> was never to fond of the appellation "localhost" anyway.
>the name of your machine is in /etc/hostname so something like
>echo 'WaynesWorld' > /etc/hostname should change it.
What i used to set my hostname was just typing "hostname LLoYDix"... either
that, or if you're running RH5.1 (don't know about any other distro's) you
can use the netconfig in the control-panel to change it.
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