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[tetrinext] Re: let's talk about the chat interface MODULE.

[tetrinext] Re: let's talk about the chat interface MODULE.

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To: tetrinext@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tetrinext] Re: let's talk about the chat interface MODULE.
From: Jared Johnson <solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2000 05:06:23 GMT
Reply-to: tetrinext@xxxxxxxxxxxx

> I actually was suggesting that we send all the game data over an IRC
> type connection.  Let's disregard the fact that it's impossible, and
> let's do it :-) Seriously, I didn't suggest that it was *good* idea, it
> simply was an idea.  It would easily separate the backend of network
> communication with the front-end graphical pretty pictures.  The IRC
> network would do the work of getting my move to all the other players.
> Basically, I have a few more ideas about how to do this, but if it's a
> generally stupid idea, tell me and I'll shut up about it :-)


now i understand.

what you said before brought me back to the time i was on AOL and downloaded
this visual basic "connect four" game that worked by sending game data in 
text into the AOL public chat.  <shudder>

the idea of sending it over an irc-type connection, though i really know
nothing about it, really really appeals to me =) -- not only because the idea 
seems to jive with the whole way that we want TINT to be -- but also because 
have been hardly any ideas posted about the protocol that is to be used in TINT!
 please share your thoughs :)

on another note -- if I had told you that it was stupid, would you really have
shut up??  you are such a wuss!

> > 
> > This is very interesting, though.  If there were some way to let people use
> > their own IRC clients to chat instead of our minimal client, that would
really own.
> > It's just that it would probably have to a completely seperate thing from
> > normal gameplay.  Sort of analogous to what Tetrix does now for admins, but
make it
> > available to everyone, and make it a bit less broken.  Allow people to
> > with the chat and some of the commands (like viewing the winlist and
> > via IRC.  I don't see any sane way to let people do this and play at the
> > time, though.  Something like that would be very hacky.
> > 
> We could simply fork an instance of bitchx, epic,
> your.favorite.irc.client, and have it's input/output done in a window of
> our program (kinda how ddd has a gdb console window, where you can
> interact with gdb directly).  This would definitely work on any form of
> Unix; I'm not sure how Windows or BeOS, for instance, would handle it.  I
> would think it would be fairly easy to do, and it would save us the work
> of writing a small IRC client (and hearing the complaints that it doesn't
> do feature foo that user bar wants :-)  This would probably work,
> irregardless of how the gameplay is done.

that sounds pretty nifty.  portability is a bit of an issue, but then this
thread is about the chat interface MODULE so that's actually not such a big 
deal is
it.  Also, it makes me all horny just thinking about using epic4+splitfire to
chat while playing tetrinet.

which makes me wonder.  what about a graphical client?  what about getting to
have xchat jump into and out of my game's window, with tabs for all my normal
channels as well as the TINT chat.  and getting to type commands to start the 
etc. from that same window.  makes me very horny.  and yet it is so beyond me
that i really have no idea if it could be done, or how, or whether it would
really be worth it ;)

i guess it's this kind of innovative thinking that led microsoft to introduce
visual basic -- the same sort of provocative thought that eventually led to 
invention of symbolic links!  hrmmmm...

Jared Johnson

Why I Can't Go Out With You:

I'd LOVE to, but...
        -- I have to draw "Cubby" for an art scholarship.
        -- I have to sit up with a sick ant.
        -- I'm trying to be less popular.
        -- My bathroom tiles need grouting.
        -- I'm waiting to see if I'm already a winner.
        -- My subconscious says no.
        -- I just picked up a book called "Glue in Many Lands" and I
                can't seem to put it down.
        -- My favorite commercial is on TV.
        -- I have to study for my blood test.
        -- I've been traded to Cincinnati.
        -- I'm having my baby shoes bronzed.
        -- I have to go to court for kitty littering.

Version:  3.12
GCS/C d+(-)>-- s:+ a18 C++++$ UL++++>$ P+>++++ L+++ E--- W+ N+ o? K- w--- !O
M-- V-- !PS !PE Y PGP- t+ 5-- X R-- tv- b+ DI>+ !D G e>++(>+++) h-- r* y-(+++)

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