Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: August 2007:
Re: Evolution Mistake

Re: Evolution Mistake

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Evolution Mistake
From: Vincent Beffara <vbeffara+ml@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 00:40:30 +0200


> sorry to hear that. I have tried your scenario myself, and indeed it di=
> not work. Here's what I have done:
> 1. created a new user/mailaccount on our mailserver
> 2. sent one message to that account
> 3. setup offlineimap and synchronized the new account
> 4. copied some folders from another local copy (in maildir format, of
> course) into the directory tree of the test account.
> 5. ran offlineimap
> I would have expected offlineimap to sychronize the local storage with
> the remote server, i.e., create the new folders on the server and copy
> the messages. However, nothing happened.

Yep, that is the biggest limitation of OfflineIMAP as it is now: newly
created local folders are not created remotely. Not being a developer of
it myself, I cannot really tell why, but I do have a fix - if you don't
have too many such folders. I did the following on one occasion:

* Create an account on the server
* Setup OfflineIMAP, synchronize the new account
* Using some IMAP client, create the additional folders _on_the_server_
* Synchronize again. OfflineIMAP will create empty local folders for you.
* Populate the local folders with the files from your local backup
* Synchronize again. OfflineIMAP will upload the new messages.

Of course, if you have 6 folders, it is doable, if you have 93476925 it
is not. One possible way, involving some black (well, grey) magic, is to
create the folders on the server by hand, using say an expect script or
copy/pasting into telnet, but this requires knowing how to speak IMAP.
Or maybe the python IMAP module can do that ...

Given the limitation on OfflineIMAP, that would be a nice tool to have:
a simple python script which reads .offlineimaprc, takes a list of
folder names and creates them on the remote end. Lots of ways to shoot
yourself in the foot there, though less than doing it as part of the
OfflineIMAP tool itself I believe.



Vincent Beffara
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