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Hi all,
It's been a bit since I posted about this, and I've seen some comments on the
mailing list about it, so I'd like to just send a friendly reminder here.
I initially wrote OfflineIMAP to solve a need I have. I released it to the
public under the GPL, because I thought others might find it useful. I'm
glad that so many have. Over the years, I have added a number of features
that people in the public have requested, and fixed a number of bugs they've
I don't get paid to work on OfflineIMAP. Every hour I spend on OfflineIMAP
is an hour I'm not spending with my family, not working on things that help
me earn a living, etc.
If you request a feature that I don't need, I am probably not going to write
it myself, simply because I don't have time to volunteer to write all sorts
of software for other people's needs. I'm not willing to sacrifice an hour
playing with my 11-month-old because you want some feature I don't care
If you want, you are welcome to write a patch to OfflineIMAP and send it my
way. My darcs tree is public and instructions are posted on the website.
Most patches I receive, especially if they are well-written, do get
integrated into my tree. I am willing to volunteer my time to do review &
If you don't feel competant to hack on OfflineIMAP, you are welcome to pay me
to add your feature -- or to pay anyone else that you may wish to do the
same and send me a patch.
That's how Free Software works. If you want a feature, "put your money where
your mouth is" so to speak. Write it, or convince/pay/whatever someone else
to write it. But please don't gripe that I haven't written it yet; after
all, you haven't paid me for it, and I don't owe you the service of
implementing anything. OfflineIMAP scratched my itch, and many others'.
But if it doesn't scratch your itch, you always have the option of not using
this piece of free software, or of improving it, or of using something else.
The reason I'm posting this is I've gotten some comments, both publically and
privately lately, griping about not having this-or-that feature, or not
working with this-or-that ancient version of the mail server from hell or
whatever, and expecting me to do something about it. I welcome anyone that
wants to to participate in the OfflineIMAP development -- and to all those
that have sent patches already, you have my thanks.
I have actually been looking for a new maintainer for OfflineIMAP for some
time now. If you're interested in taking over maintenance, please by all
means let me know.
-- John
- About OfflineIMAP development,
John Goerzen <=