Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange.
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John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2006 at 08:48:07AM -0800, Andrew Biggadike wrote:
> > I posted about a similar problem last week. I investigated enough to
> > find that -- for some reason -- offlineimap is creating Maildir files
> > with invalid flags. The diff below fixed my problem and I haven't
> > yet had time to figure out why savemessageflags() is getting called
> > with invalid flags such as '(', '\\', 'e'.
> That is very odd, and I've never seen it. Thanks for the diff, but I'd
> rather identify the root cause of the problem. If you can shed light on
> that, it'd be great.
I completely agree about the diff, and I'm glad to hear you say that;
I provided it simply as a temporary workaround. I will see if I can
make some time to investigate further over the weekend.
> Note that OfflineIMAP 3.99.2 added:
> * OfflineIMAP now moves messages between new and cur in Maildir when
> flags have changed on the server.
> That seems to be the correct behavior though.
I have not had any problems with respect to messages being moved
between new and cur, just incorrect flags on the info portion of
messages in cur.
> What version of OfflineIMAP are you all using?
I'm using 4.0.11 out of the Debian testing package.
- offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Steve Traylen, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Jan Korger, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Jon Riddle, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Andrew Biggadike, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., John Goerzen, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange.,
Andrew Biggadike <=
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., John Goerzen, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Andrew Biggadike, 2006/03/17
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Jon Riddle, 2006/03/17
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Steve Traylen, 2006/03/20
- Re: offlineimap, mutt and exchange., Andrew Biggadike, 2006/03/20