Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: April 2004:
[linux-help] Re: Making Windoz XP play nice with linux 9.0

[linux-help] Re: Making Windoz XP play nice with linux 9.0

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Making Windoz XP play nice with linux 9.0
From: Jeff Vian <jvian10@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 10:10:04 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Michael Holmes wrote:

>I cannot get linux and windoz to play nice on my laptop.  Linux will
>crash windoz when it is run ( booting failures and hanging log off's.  )
>And linux will complain of check sum failures.  These faults only show
>up when the other has been run.  If linux is run consecutively, there is
>no problems; if windows is run consecutively, then there is no problems.
>I cannot figure out what to do.  I want and need both.  I used partition
>magic to set up 6 gig for linux and 30 gig for windoz.  512 meg for
>/boot and 1024 meg for /swap.   Brand new hard drive ( as linux said too
>many failure to support the install ( check sum))
>I like the new install system on red hat 9.0   The very first thing it
>does is check the disk.  ( I have been at 90 percent complete and have a
>install crash because of a corrupted download)  I think the disk check
>is the best improvement, especially since most installs are from
>downloads of iso's.  
I have never been happy with the results of using partition magic.
I always do my own partitioning for linux with fdisk after I have 
already created the windoze partiton and installed Windoze on the first 
part of the drive, and have never had problems.


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