Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: July 2002:
[linux-help] Drivers?

[linux-help] Drivers?

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Drivers?
From: John Heffington <john1982@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 02:08:07 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Hey y'all, just wanted to know if there is a driver site dedicated to 
linux. I would like to get my ACPI devices to fuction like they are 
supposed to. (i.e. the fan only turns on when needed, but runs cnstantly 
now. And the lip should put the machine in stand-by mode, but only turns 
the screen off now.) Or if anybody knows howplease reply!!!! Thanks!!!

BTW, thanks again Anne. I got RH 7.3 upand running in about 40 minutes 
on my laptop!!!. Everything seems to be doing ok. I have come across an 
error saying the the sound server could not play in real time. This is 
now fixed (I think). The sound server alson seems to turn itself off 
when the CPU gets overloaded and causes the sound to disappear. But for 
now, the sound works!

Another question, how is does linux handle USB HDD's? Or how about USB 
anything? Does it configure them automatically or is there some 
programming required? I was thinking about getting a USB HDD and a USB 
CD burner, but was wanting to get some info before I buy.

Gotta run!! Chow!

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