[linux-help] Re: On Disk
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> What I did once was this. I formatted and installed DOS 6.22 on the
> laptop. I then connected the laptop to another DOS computer that had a
> CD-ROM drive with a serial cable and null-modem. I then used interlink
> (built into DOS) to copy all of the source files to the laptop into a
> directory called win98 or something. Then I installed from the hard
> drive. Hey, it worked.
You could also check out some news groups... stuff like that is often
posted in groups w/ names like alt.binaries.pc.old or something (that
may not be exactly the name, but it's similar)... altho' I know MS does
some weird things w/ their floppies so they can fit more data on them...
I don't know if that's just a software thing or if it's got anything to
do w/ hardware, but it's a shot...
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