Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: October 2000:
[linux-help] setting up gateway

[linux-help] setting up gateway

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] setting up gateway
From: Nathan <ncozzens@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 23:50:06 -0500
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

I would like my Linux box (potato) to access the internet through my win9x box's modem. So far, I've added a line to my "interfaces" file:


could I use a hostname there?

The proxy software I'm using on my win9x box uses a nonstandard port for http (6588 instead of 80). Why do they do that (sometimes 8080 instead of 80)? How can I make my Linux box send its http requests to the port my proxy is listening on?


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