Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: February 2000:
[linux-help] Re: disk surface problems?

[linux-help] Re: disk surface problems?

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: disk surface problems?
From: j m wagle <jmwagle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 13:51:24 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Thank you, badblocks works like a champ.  
Now... (sorry, one more question), how do I access my 'swap' space? 
I do a 'df' and display my /dev/hda## (where ## = 05 to 11), but my
'swap' is not shown.  (sorry if this is not the way to pose the
question, but I think that the swap space is were my 'bad block'

thanks again, in advance,
mike wagle, wichita, ks

Jonathan Hall wrote:
> Yes!  It's called badblocks.  It will do a read-only test of your hard drive
> (similar to DOS's scandisk "surface scan").  It *can* do a read-write test,
> too, which is more thurough, but it will destroy any data on the drive, so
> you should backup anything important.  Read the man page for more details,
> or ask here again.  :-)
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 07:38:59AM -0600, j m wagle wrote:
> > I appologize if this is the wrong place to post a question.
> > I seem to have a problem (random) and it may be due to my disk (a
> > no-name 3 year old  3 gig hard drive).  I tried my dos version of
> > Norton and was asked to 'update the incorrect partition info'  -- i
> > declined the offer).  My question: Is there a 'surface
> > inspection/correction' program, (or method?) for Linux?
> >
> > I am using Redhat 6.0 and every once in a while Xwindows 'locks'
> > up.  I have replaced memory (64meg) and so I am suspecting some swap
> > space error.
> > thanks in advance,
> > mike wagle, wichita ks

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