Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: February 2000:
[linux-help] Re: Linux Help List

[linux-help] Re: Linux Help List

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Linux Help List
From: Greg House <ghouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 23:02:12 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> 1.6 MB disk! Boy, will challenges never cease :)

That's a luxury compared to some of the ones people have wanted me to set up! 

I had one on a 540MB drive that dual booted DOS/Win31 and Linux. I partitioned
it to give like 300MB to Linux and the rest to DOS. It was a tight squeeze, but
I had a nice little install of RedHat 5.1 on it, with XF86 and WindowMaker and
about 50MB left over so my friend could actually DO something with his system.

On another one, I was able to install Linux with KDE AND StarOffice on a 540MB
drive, with about 90MB free for user files.

Anyway, it can be done. If you can install StarOffice from a CD it'll be a lot
easier, since you don't have to have space on your drive for the tar file or
the uncompressed stuff it installs from. But what's killing you is all the
temporary space it uses. It uses something like 100MB more then it takes to
install during the installation process (weird...), and it's probably taking a
pretty big chunk of that space in /tmp...which you don't have a partition for,
so it's coming out of that tiny 50MB root partition.

Regarding your question about partitioning. I've been setting them up lately
with three partitions. One for swap (required), one root, and one for /home.
That way if I reinstall my OS, I can keep all my files intact. Since I mess
around with different distributions & stuff, this is convenient for me.

Oh yeah, if you don't want to reinstall, you might consider WordPerfect 8
instead. It's a pretty good word processor (more advanced then StarWriter),  it
supports a TON of other companies proprietary document formats, and it's much
smaller then StarOffice. Doesn't have a spreadsheet, but there are tons of free
spreadsheet applications available for Linux.

Good luck!

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