Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: February 2000:
[linux-help] Re: Linux Help List

[linux-help] Re: Linux Help List

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Linux Help List
From: Nate Bargmann <ka0rny@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 06:42:07 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 10:12:27PM -0600, Bruce Bales wrote:
> Tried to setup Staroffice on Pentium 133 with 1.6 MB disk.  Have windows on
> about half and Linux RH on other half.  Linux is partitioned as follows:
> hda5    /   50 meg
> hda7    /home  115 M
> hda6    /usr    500M
> hda9    /usr/local   50M
> hda8    /usr/src   60M
> /swap doesn't show up on df, but I think it is 32 meg.
> After a few minutes of setup, I got a "disk full" message.  df shows / is 
> clear
> full, /usr is about 80% and the other partitions are nearly empty.

Hi Bruce.

Star Office needs about 150 Meg to install, plus space for temporary files
while installing.  Unfortunately, all of your partitions except home and
usr are too small to even hold the untarred distribution which is ~65 Meg.
You might be able to get the job done if you have the untarred packages in
/home and symlink /tmp to /home while you install, but then if /usr is
already 80% capacity, then you won't have enough room to install it anyway.

Like the other reply said, save your config files and start over with two
Linux partitions, one for swap and the other for the file system.  It's
proably the best solution to use with limited space.  In a month or two
you can use the other 800 Meg partition for /usr or /usr/local.  ;-)

- Nate >>


 Packet   | N0NB @ WF0A.#SCKS.KS.USA.NOAM       | "None can love freedom
 Internet | ka0rny@xxxxxxxxxx                   | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs          | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license."
              | -- John Milton

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