Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: August 2008:
[gopher] Re: Fate of the Protocol (was Re: Gopherness)

[gopher] Re: Fate of the Protocol (was Re: Gopherness)

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Fate of the Protocol (was Re: Gopherness)
From: "Jay Nemrow" <jnemrow@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2008 10:23:23 -0600
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I'll tell you a dirty little secret - Gopher is a zombie.  It died
about fifteen years ago and a handful of people either act like it is
still alive or chose to reanimate it for some reason.  I think we
should all have our heads examined for spending any time at all
fighting about a dead protocol.  It is like fighting over Latin
sentence structure - who really cares?

Here's my idea.  I suggest that we start a huge turf war, create all
kinds of wierd servers and clients that have no chance of talking to
each other, and then use this mail list to abuse everyone that dares
subscribe.  I think it would be fun!  Wait....

I like Floodgap, httpi, buckd, the web proxy, and OverbiteFF!  I think
Cameron has come up with some cool stuff and that, by association,
Cameron is a majorly cool guy!

I like pygopherd and the updates to UMN gopher server and client!  I
think John did a great service in making gopher a well-dressed snazzy
zombie!  John is cool as well!

I used mgod and thought it was pretty danged slick.  I don't remember
who wrote it, but I like their stuff!  Coolness to them, too!

I want to be cool like Cameron, John, and that mgod person!  Someday,
I hope to announce my own cool thing and join their ranks.  Until
then, I am just a shlub with a big mouth and I think I will try to
make my mouth smaller and actually work on something productive rather
than typing repies.

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