Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: June 2008:
[gopher] Re: Overbite "1.1" -- with Firefox 2.0 support

[gopher] Re: Overbite "1.1" -- with Firefox 2.0 support

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Overbite "1.1" -- with Firefox 2.0 support
From: simple@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jeff W)
Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 12:42:20 -0700
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Cameron Kaiser <spectre@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> As promised, there is now an Overbite for Firefox 2.0. If this works fine,
> it will probably be used for the basis of a Camino 1.6 Overbite if Camino's
> jump to Mozilla 1.9 is not forthcoming.
> This version lacks a few features that are not available or do not work
> properly in Firefox 2.0, namely, there is no initial brag window (I couldn't
> get this to work reliably), and the default CSS is slightly different due to
> changes in the rendering engine between FF2 and FF3. There are also some
> internal adjustments.
> I have preliminary working results on Windows 98 and Mac OS X 10.2.8 both
> running FF, so I present it for your approval:
>       gopher://
> If it works fine, please advise and it will be officially installed.
> For Mozilla 1.9/Firefox 3.0 users, please pick up and test
>       gopher://

Hey Cameron,
Are either of these supposed to work with the current version of SeaMonkey 
(1.1.9) ?
They both complain about missing install script.


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