Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: August 2001:
[Freeciv] Re: How to load a saved game & set home directory?

[Freeciv] Re: How to load a saved game & set home directory?

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv] Re: How to load a saved game & set home directory?
From: "Andreas D. Landmark" <andreas.landmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 17:48:47 +0100

At 06.08.2001 16:35, Jack Lloyd wrote:
> Where do you take that from?  My windows book (german translation of
> Jeffrey Richter, Advanced Windows, 3rd ed.) doesn't say that a filename
> must not start with a fullstop. On Windows 95 civclient creates such a
> file. Should we change the name from .civclientrc to _civclientrc on
> windows?

I have had problems (on Windows 2000) with filenames beginning with a "."
(namely .bash_history, .bashrc, etc for cygwin). I was able to create the
files, but... it didn't seem too happy with letting me do it. And it takes
some real convincing it you want to rename the file or something (because it
decides the whole file name is an "extension", and thus that the file doesn't
actually have a name as far as it can tell). In fact IIRC I had to drop into
the cygwin shell and rename the file from there.


No problem with Win2000 and .filenames...

M:\text>echo test > .test

M:\text>dir .test
 Volume in drive M is 290399ntfs
 Volume Serial Number is 886E-60C2

 Directory of M:\text

06.08.2001  17:47                    7 .test
               1 File(s)              7 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   1 137 127 424 bytes free


Andreas D Landmark / noXtension
Real Time, adj.:
        Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
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