Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: June 2001:
[Freeciv] [ICS] yet another suggestion

[Freeciv] [ICS] yet another suggestion

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv] [ICS] yet another suggestion
From: Sylvain Boivin <sboivin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 09:49:31 -0400

Hello all,
 spended tons of hours playing this marvelous game. Freeciv is a great

I have a suggestion related to the ICS problem. My suggestion is based on
the fact that, in real life, when a civilization reach a given pop size, the
spatial distribution of the pop tend to be the same. A big city, surrounded
by smaller one.

To reproduce it in Freeciv, the code should discourage "flat" pop distribution. It can be done by a set of rules like: - for each city i of a given civ C, search the biggest city T of the same civ
     in a given area A, that is a function T(C,i,A)
        - compute the observed spatial distribution s of pop around T
        - compute the ideal spatial distribution S of pop around T
- if s is below S (that is too flat), higher is the # of unhappy in city i
It should do the job if:
 1) the parameters of the ideal gaussian dist S are scaled with the
pop size of the civ C, in a given area A. That is, there is no penalty
      to have some small town in a newly colonized area, but the penalty
      is high when you have too many small town in the same area without
      some big one.
 2) the number of unhappy citizen generated by this mean should
      remain below a given # in each area to always a minimal viability
      of the area.
With the right scale, for a flat civ with 10 cities in the same area A, adding a new
city will create a city containing only unhappy citizen.



[Sylvain Boivin]   []
[sboivin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Use Linux! [Yahoo: artoxx@xxxxxxxxx]

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