[freeciv-i18n] Re: Moving of source tree from CVS to Subversion
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On 10/12/05, Christian Knoke <chrisk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Do I need to use ssh access to check in my translations?
Sorry about that. :-(
I should have given better instructions in the e-mail I sent to the list.
Yes, you to use ssh access to have write permissions.
> How about security? Is it recommended to use my .ssh/id_dsa.pub
> key or can/should I use another (special) key for this?
Yes, to use ssh access, you need to generate a public key:
Your .ssh/id_dsa.pub key should do just great.
> How can I access different trunks or branches?
> svn co svn://svn.gna.org/svn/freeciv/trunk freeciv
> worked, but
That works, but it provides read-only access. You should
be using:
$ svn co svn+ssh://chrisk@xxxxxxxxxxx/svn/freeciv/trunk
That provides read and write access to the 'trunk'
(basically the 'trunk' is the same as 'CVS HEAD').
> svn co svn://svn.gna.org/svn/freeciv/S2_0 stable20
> did not.
$ svn co svn+ssh://chrisk@xxxxxxxxxxx/svn/freeciv/branches/S2_0 stable20
Should do the trick.
You can see an interactive web listing here:
You also can use 'svn ls' to browse the tree like this:
$ svn ls svn://svn.gna.org/svn/freeciv
I will post an e-mail to freeciv-i18n@ with this new information later.