Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2006:
[Freeciv-Dev] The space race

[Freeciv-Dev] The space race

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] The space race
From: Andreas Røsdal <andrearo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 22:41:00 +0200

Hi everyone

Are there any plans on improving the space race part of the game?
It seems to have been unchanged for a very long time, and this strategy doesn't seem to be used at all in the games I've played so far. Here are some suggestions.
First of all, space race should be made a more viable way to win the game.
In my experience, the few times spaceships are used the game is already decided,
because it's always the strongest player launching a spaceship.
So something could be done to introduce space race earlier in the game,
possibly by reducing the number of technology requirements for it.

To make the space race more exciting, more could be done for players to have competing spaceships at the same time. Perhaps once the Apollo program has been built, all players can have a more even competition for building a spaceship. Such as giving all players access to researching spaceflight, plastics and superconductors once the Apollo program has
been built. Or make it easier for spies to steal the space technologies.

There is also some usability issues with the space race dialog. First of all, the spaceship dialog should give all information needed to build a spaceship, guiding the user to building and launching the spaceship. Make it more intuitive to build the actual spaceship, and provide more (and better/more graphical) information about the progress during construction of the spaceship, and the progress after launching the spaceship until it arrives. Perhaps the spaceship could also be shown somewhere on the main map near the capital during construction. It would also be nice with some 3d rendered graphics of something looking like a spaceship. This is a screenshot of the current dialog:
I hope this can be a start for improving the space race in Freeciv...

Andreas Røsdal

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