Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: November 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#11048) Tabs for Reports--issue

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#11048) Tabs for Reports--issue

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Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#11048) Tabs for Reports--issue
From: "Ed Earl Ross" <edearl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 01:40:28 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa wrote:

><URL: >
>On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, Ed Earl Ross wrote:
>><URL: >
>>My PC has no sound, and the Tabs do not pop up. Consequently, hearing
>>impaired people and I do not have positive feedback when messages occur,
>>a new technology is discovered, etc. There should be something to help
>>us less fortunate folks know whenever these events occur. A switch on
>>the local options page to switch between sound and visual queues would
>>be nice too.
>The tab name changes colour when something happens in the messages dialog
>and it isn't in front.
I know, but the color change is too subtle to always catch my eye, 
especially if I am concentrating on a battle. The contrast between a 
message box popping up, which prevents one from seeing all the map, and 
a tab changing color is huge.

In general the tabs are great. However, in one case, the economy report, 
I do not like the tabbed report. Previously, I kept the economy report 
always open in the lower right corner of my screen, which allows me to  
quickly glance down to see if my income is large enough or should be 

What I'd really like is the total gold (+ or -) displayed on the left, 
after the "Gold" value on the left hand side of the screen, for example 
Gold 52  +2.

>Vasco Alexandre da Silva Costa @ Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa

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