Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6901) Win32 does not work with non-isometric tiles

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6901) Win32 does not work with non-isometric tiles

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6901) Win32 does not work with non-isometric tilesets
From: "gianmario.scotti@xxxxxxxxx" <gianmario.scotti@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 00:48:46 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Hey Jason,

I'll try to explain why I am confused with the win32 releases:

If you go to (the freeciv download page)
and click on the link under "" which is , you will get 
a build that still has the bug in it. And this was the build (or the place 
where I took the builds) to which I was refering to. In fact, I was convinced 
that this is the location that contains 
the daily builds. When I submitted the bug, I have exactly specified which 
build it was, I believe, so I don't think I have introduced any confusion. And 
I understand that a patch has been created by a freeciv developer, in response 
to the reported bug, i.e., after I reported it. 
Finally, the other Win32 download site linked from freeciv, specifically for 
win32, is and it 
contains a link to a downloadable binary package at If You 
click on that link, you will download a file named, 
different from the one linked directly from Anyway, that build 
still contains the bug, and it has contained it for some time, as it's where I 
discovered it first. (as a curiosity, that package contains two different 
builds, both stil with the bug).

Finally, the link Andreas sent me, I have 
not seen being linked from or from Andreas' own site to which 
freeciv's download page links to. Maybe you guys knew about it all along, more 
power to you, but I'm just a humble outsider, relying solely on the freeciv 

As for the Engels tileset, I did not say it was a bug, but the ones that were 
available at the time did not work with the win32 version of freeciv, so I had 
to convert them to .png while keeping the original alpha channel. More info you 
can get from Mike Kaufman [kaufman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx].

Unfortunately, I can't find the e-mail I sent the converted tileset in, anymore.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Jason Short [mailto:jshort@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 20 December, 2003 04:42
> To: Scotti Gianmario (NET/Helsinki)
> Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#6901) Win32 does not work with
> non-isometric tilesets
> <URL: >
> gianmario.scotti@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > <URL: >
> > 
> > Hello Andreas,
> > 
> > 
> > the problem does not appear in the package you linked to! Thanks!
> The listed package is the daily CVS snapshot, so it seems this bug is 
> not present in 1.14.1.
> > Hey, you remember I have once sent the Engels tileset 
> modified to work with Win32 freeciv, a long time ago? I was 
> hoping it could be published on, if you still 
> have it. I see that all kinds of tilesets are now published, 
> so why not this one.
> If there's a bug in Engels it should probably be fixed for everyone. 
> I'm not aware of any tileset issues affecting only gui-win32.  In any 
> case, can you submit this problem under a new RT ticket (mail to 
> rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)?
> jason

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